Need to Know

Location & Lodging

Holiday Inn Hotel & Convention Center
110 Second Ave, Kearney, NE 308-237-5971

HOT Class Location:
KVFD Training Center
4300 Piper Avenue, Kearney NE
A BIG THANKS again to Kearney Fire Department for hosting parts of the Les Lukert Winter Conference at their outstanding training facility.


Classes are reserved on a first come, first served basis and class sizes are limited, so secure your seat by registering as soon as possible. Courses without sufficient registration numbers 2 weeks prior to the conference may be cancelled.

Registration fees must accompany your registration form. Payment and registration must be received prior to class.

Substitutions/walk-ins may be accepted pending availability.

Students will be provided with a name badge at the conference. These must always be worn or carried throughout the weekend.

H.O.T. Class Students - Please read me!!!

Your class will take place out at the KVFD Training Center (4300 Piper Ave. - on the East side of Kearney). Your registration packets will be out at that location.

Your class starts at 8am at the KVFD training center. There is no need to stop by the registration desk at the Holiday Inn Conference Center to pick up your packets or sign in.

Class Certificates

This year, we are updating our class & conference evaluations to an all digital platform. Evaluations MUST BE COMPLETED in order to obtain your class certificate. QR Codes & Links will be available throughout the conference & emailed to you following the weekend.

Class certificates will be emailed to attendees following completion of the conference & evaluations.

Consideration for Dress

To ensure your comfort, please dress in layers as personal preferences and room temperatures vary.

Most of the weekend events & classrooms are casual wear. Please be comfortable - we care more about you learning than what your attire is. At our Annual Bill & Cindy Meehan Banquet on Saturday evening, business casual and fire department button ups are recommended, but not required.


Students registered in courses cancelled due to low student numbers will be offered an alternate open class or a full refund. Student requested cancellations should be made in writing and sent to A $35 administration fee will be retained for each cancellation.
No refunds will be made after 2 weeks prior to conference.


Registration fees include breakfast rolls on Saturday & Sunday, Lunch Friday & Saturday, and one banquet ticket for our Annual Leadership Banquet on Saturday evening. If you have special dietary needs, contact the Holiday Inn staff as early as possible.

NSFSI Annual Meeting

The Nebraska Society of Fire Service Instructors will hold its annual meeting on Saturday during the Les Lukert Winter Conference. Topics of discussion include operations, budget, board of directors election, and any other subject members wish to discuss. If you have items for the agenda, please contact us at

Everyone is welcome to attend. By registering for the Les Lukert Conference, you become a member of the NSFSI. When you attend the annual meeting, you help shape what the future of the NSFSI and Les Lukert Conference will be. We hope you join us.

Fire Facts Straight from the Tap event

Join us Friday evening of the conference for an evening of brotherhood, good times, and great food! Weekend instructors will participate in a panel discussion with questions from you! Located a short walk from the convention center at Angus Burgers & Shakes (421 Talmadge St, Kearney, NE). See the Map Here

Leadership Banquet

The Annual Bill & Cindy Meehan Leadership Banquet will take place on Saturday evening of the conference. Our keynote address will be delivered following the meal. One banquet ticket is included with the purchase of a weekend or full conference registration.

Additional tickets for non conference attendees or family/friends may be purchased in advance by using the registration website. We highly encourage you to bring your loved ones and spend a night in the brotherhood together. Limited quantities of banquet tickets will also be available at the conference registration desk.

NSFSI Membership

The Nebraska Society of Fire Service Instructors is an organization dedicated to furthering the training and education of emergency response personnel.

Our membership includes those responsible for emergency response education, whether from the State, volunteer, career, or private organizations. The membership year is from January 1 - December 31. Membership dues shall be paid annually to remain a current member.

NSFSI offers two kinds of membership, active and sustaining. An active member is actively involved in the education of training emergency personnel and subscribes to the practices and code of ethics of the Nebraska Society of Fire Service Instructors. Sustaining members can be any person, firm or corporation wishing to assist in attaining the objectives of the Society.

Your one-year NSFSI membership dues are included with full conference registrations.

If you are a current NSFSI member, please remember that you MUST be in good standing to vote at the annual meeting.

More Questions?

Email Us at: